Doug Barney azt írja a januári Redmond magazine vezércikkjében, hogy a
"If you don't think that PCs have become a pure commodity, compare specs-they're all as indistinguishable as an '80s boy band."
Na most ki tud a 80-asokból fiúzenekart? Főleg az USA-ból? Mert a Brosson kívül (UK) csak a New Kids on the Block ugrik be.
Meghogy van egy Clinton által szponzorált keresőgép, ahol rákeresett a "Monica Lewinsky"-re, aztán :
"Included in its top 10 results were pages about UFOs and Rod Stewart. The AI-free Google hit the mark with nearly 300,000 pages, most of which actually seemed to have something to do with Monica."
Don Jones a MONAD-ról
Don Jones, aki BetaMan néven írogat a Redmond Magba, egyébként meg egy jó kis cikkgyûjteménye an a ezt írja:
"Should you bother learning more about MSH? Well, Longhorn is quite a ways out, of course, and right now it doesn't appear as if we'll see a final MSH until Longhorn is finished. And MSH is definitely a radical new command-line concept. History suggests most administrators don't have the time or inclination to learn all-new administration technologies right away; witness how long it's taken VBScript, which has been around since 1994, to start gaining popularity as a scripting tool. Right now, I'd say
MSH is something to keep an eye on, but nothing you need to worry about for at least a couple of years."
Derek Melber, -- akinek a nevét olvasva elkap minket a 80-as éevk nosztalgiája és szinte a fülünkben halljuk Szabó Ottó hangját, miközben a szánkban érezzük a csokikockát -- arról ír, hogy:
"Windows 2000 only allows access to an encrypted file to the person who encrypted it, [...] Windows Server 2003 fixes this limitation. Now you can give multiple users access to the same encrypted files, or give end users permission to do it themselves."
Paul Desmond idézi Gates úr újévi fogadalmait. Ebből az 1-es számú:
"Proper Planning
Get a big, multi-year calendar and stick it on the wall. Have the kids throw darts at it. Pick the one that lands farthest from today's date, call the press and tell them we've got a firm ship date for Longhorn."