
Bounty of free IT tools available

Aszongya: "As many IT administrators have learned, some of the most useful products related to Microsoft's Windows operating system -- the ones that make their lives a whole lot easier -- don't cost a dime."

Innentől van olyan, hogy letöltött programok toplistája a 3. negyedévre vonatkoztatva (darabszámmal):

  1. Remote Desktop Connection for Windows Server 2003 (684,780)
  2. Software Update Services (192,150)
  3. Group Policy Management Console (101,950)
  4. Remote Desktop Web Connection (65,190)
  5. Windows SharePoint Services (41,090)
  1. Process Explorer (250,000)
  2. Autoruns (117,000)
  3. Regmon (97,000)
  4. Filemon (92,000)
  5. TCPView (69,000)

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